Google Glass

Google Glass

All those having specs like me can understand the difficulties one has to face on having to wear them all time...carry them everywhere...protect them while especially playing football .But what if these disadvantages turn suddenly into advantages !
Google again has come up with a ground-breaking concept : GOOGLE GLASS
It seems to be an ordinary pair of glasses when you view the image but it has got infinite capabilities....

Sergey Brin donning the Google Glass

So what is Google Glass ?

Google Glass is a wearable computer with optical head mounted display(OHMD).An  OHMD is a wearable display that has the capability of reflecting projected images as well as allowing the user to optically see-through it.Google Glass displays information in a smartphone-like hands-free format, that can communicate with the Internet via natural language voice commands.

Right now the Google Glass is in a beta-like stage ,limited to only the developers .


Major hardware :

  • Camera - capable of recording 720p HD videos
  • Touch pad- Located on the side sticks(Don't know a better a word) of the Glass to control the notifications ,posts etc.
  • Accelerometer,Gyroscope,Magnetometer.
  • 16 GB memory.


Other than the touch pad one can control the Glass using voice recognition.
One can say "OK Glass take a picture ! " and there in front of you a picture is taken .Many such commands are available.

Take a look at the video :How it feels?

Safety concerns:

  • Might be a distraction while driving.
  • May be used for spying.
  • Terrorist threats.

My opinion :

A truly modern device ,Google Glass provides you the power of Internet and Technology at 'fingertips' that doesn't seem right.....OK ,lets go with -'an  Eye blink' . It is a revolutionary step in Augmented Reality Technology. As any technology it might be a boon or curse.
I would be the most delighted when my boring specs will be replaced by "the GLASS"....

For more detailed information i have provided more links:
Wikipedia -Google Glass
Google Glass -Official website